QA & QC Inspections
What is QA & QC Inspections?
Many people can not tell the difference between quality assurance inspection (QA) and quality control inspection (QC). Quality control inspection is done before the production. This is to ensure that the production is going as planned and to make sure that errors are identified at an early stage. On the other hand quality assurance inspection is carried out after the production. This is to make sure that all the products were manufactured as contracted. QA & QC inspections always works together to make sure the products have been manufactured well before they are shipped to various destinations. Both quality control inspection and quality assurance inspection monitors all products used for industrial use or domestic use.
Performing various checks during production guarantee that products manufactured meets the required standards and are safe for human use. Quality control inspection (QC) is done to ensure that all prescribed standards measures were met and maintained during the whole productions process. For instance, the inspection is performed to make sure that the garments we wear do not tear so fast, the food we eat meets the standards and the vehicles we drive runs well among other products. Quality control is very important. This is because it helps to discover the problems at very early stage to avoid any huge loss in terms of money, time and effort. The quality controllers can taste, look, smell or even feel the product.
Quality control inspection is performed at each and every stage of production. This means that the checks spread across all the stages of manufacturing process. The quality controller involved can reject or certify a product. If an item has a defect, it can be rejected completely or be sent back for refurbishing. When products are certified it means they have passed all the quality control tests. This means the quality controller in charge approves them by stamping them, tagging them, screwing a nameplate or a serial number on them or even tagging them. The success of any given product depends on the quality control inspection performed. After that the quality controller prepares a report using statistical measures observed during production.
QA or quality assurance inspection is carried out after the production is complete. The main aim of performing quality assurance inspection is to maintain the effectiveness of quality control inspection. It is the last stage to check and catch any error or defect before the product is safe for human use. People may argue that performing inspection after the goods have been manufactured makes no sense but for sure the quality assurance inspection is very important. The inspection ensures that the product has no defects and will not cause any problem to the user. Quality assurance inspection is an eye of quality control. The quality assurance is done to certify the work quality control. The inspection also helps to revise the product specifications for the next batch of production.
Therefore in our view that both quality control inspection and quality assurance inspection needs one another. However, it is good to understand that quality assurance includes quality control.